Monday, December 30, 2013



Selenium is one of the popular open source website automation testing tool. This is the most efficient tool available in market for automate web based application. Now selenium has started supporting to Android and iOS.

Software prerequisites before automating the selenium:
1. Eclipse
2. Java sdk
3. Web browsers

Selenium versions:
1. Selenim IDE.
2. Selenium RC.
3. Selenium grid.
4. Selenium Webdriver.

Selenium IDE:
 It is a add on to Mozilla Firefox browser, which is useful for record and playback functionality.
 Selenium IDE:
 1. Installation-
    1.1 Install the Mozilla firefox browser.
    1.2 Open "", and install the latest version, as per below image.

Where its useful?
Selenium IDE is not a good choice for maintain and developing the complex test suite.